DQC Seminar Series: Quantum sensing of the dipole-phonon interaction of single calcium monoxide ion and its trap potential
Lu Qi, Duke University
Quantum sensing, known for its high sensitivity and precision, is a rapidly advancing field that enables both ground-breaking scientific discoveries and practical innovations. In this talk, I will present experimental evidence of dipole-phonon interactions between a single calcium monoxide ion and its trapping potential, using single atomic ion as a quantum sensor for measurement. Dipole-phonon interaction offers novel approaches for state preparation, measurement, and quantum information control in molecular ion qubits, offering a promising solution to the scalability challenges of atomic ion systems. I will detail our experimental setup and methodology, along with the observed dipole-phonon interaction signals. Additionally, I will discuss the limitations of observation rates due to the low thermal population in the molecular ground rotational state at room temperature and potential applications of our findings.
Bio: Dr. Lu Qi is a research scientist in the Brown Lab at the Duke Quantum Center, where he explores the use of trapped atomic and molecular ions for quantum sensing and quantum information processing. He earned his Ph.D. in Instrumentation Science from Beihang University, China, where his research focused on magnetically guided Caesium atom interferometry for inertial force sensing. Currently, his focus is on advancing quantum sensing techniques with molecular and atomic ions.
Spring 2025 Upcoming Speakers
23 Jan: Lu Qi
6 Feb: Andrei Ruskuc
20 Feb: Noah Shutty
6 Mar: TBA
20 Mar: Kristi Beck
27 Mar: Peter Shor
3 Apr: Ed Farhi
17 Apr: Anthony Ransford
Engineering, Natural Sciences, Panel/Seminar/Colloquium