DQC Seminar Series: Site-selective cavity readout and modular quantum error correction for neutral atoms
Josiah Sinclair
Abstract: Programmable arrays of single atoms interfaced with optical cavities are a promising platform for quantum computing and quantum networking. Optical cavities enable fast and non-destructive readout of individual atomic qubits; however, scaling up to many qubits remains a challenge. We recently addressed this by employing locally controlled excited-state Stark shifts to achieve site-selective hyperfine-state cavity readout across a 10-site array. To further speed up array readout, we demonstrated adaptive search strategies utilizing global/subset checks. We also demonstrated repeated rounds of classical error correction, showing exponential suppression of logical error and extending logical memory fivefold beyond the single-bit idling lifetime. I will present these results and describe future directions. As atom arrays approach practical size limits, continuing to scale up requires linking arrays in a modular architecture. I will present recent work analyzing the prospects of fault-tolerantly linking atom arrays using cavity-based interconnects, describing both the fidelity and speed requirements for a fault-tolerant modular architecture for neutral atoms.
Josiah Sinclair is a postdoctoral fellow in the Vuletić group at the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms, where he investigates atomic platforms for quantum computing. He earned his bachelor's degree in physics from Calvin University in 2013, followed by his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Toronto in 2021 in the group of Aephraim Steinberg. Josiah's research focuses on the 'history' of quantum particles, leveraging light-matter interactions and Rydberg blockade to develop new quantum technologies, as well as advancing modular quantum error correction and neutral atom-based quantum computing.